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Ha Joon Chang says don't blame China for global economic jitters because they are Asian like him

Bernardo Romano
  Is famed South Korean Cambridge University professor Ha Jon Chang a hack for big red China. A piece he wrote in the Guardian back in 2016 would suggest this as a recent article took exception to the vague idea that China was leading the world into economic stagnation and ruin. Ha Joon quickly jumped through hulu hops to counter this argument and basically defend the practices and trade evils that China has got away with and one must wonder if nuclear blackmail is what lead Western leaders to accept this Chinese destruction and hollowing of our economies.
China refuses ever to devalue their currency playing an extra advantage as similar to a poker player using ten cards instead of five in a game. Ha Joon is right to assert there has never been economic recovery form 2008 but the South Korean know it all fails to see how China and the economic dependency of it from Western firms are used to keep economies down. Ha Joon Chang is a smart man who reads and writes books and he knows protectionism is the key for a nation in keeping its economy strong. No Ha Joon.? If America imports more than exports more money you see flow out of country. Yes Ha Joon or No?/ China set up deal where they control the flows of goods and set prices to undercut ahh both the American worker and domestic manufacturer business owner and they have done this in Italy and other countries as well. Asset bubbles is the only predicament of any growth in the West since China was allowed into the WTO and established as a trading partner despite their undemocratic principles and creeping spying authoritarian ways which they and their Chinese subjects increasingly are being used as chess pawns in America, Canada, and the rest of the Northern capitalist world that Chinese and Indian money are corrupting like their own states. It appears the yellowism of racial solidarity or internal fear cowardice is what is behind Ha Joon Chang's current thinking and defense of the trade wars pushed by China.
That expensive Italian suit likely was made from Chinese firms and workers     aaahh imported into these Western countries.  The fact is Ha Chang doesn't know the shit he writes or what he is talking about and likely is guided in most of his written work. He is only at Cambridge to fuck chicks and get into a diverse range of girlie girls pants over there at Cambridge and Ha Joon doesn't know his ass form his face to suggest in a fake new outlets like  the Guardian that we shouldn't blame Red China for all of the economic ruins we see in this day of age. I wonder if Ha Joon would defend China's traits and ways it conducts themselves if he wasn't yellow like them.

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