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Organix - Ever Straight Brazilian Keratin Therapy Shampoo || Review

Hi ladies, today I wanted to talk to you about a shampoo that I've added into my hair care routine recently which is the Organix Ever Straight Brazilian Keratin Therapy Shampoo. As I have long hair which is is prone to getting damaged, dry and is always in desperate need of nourishment, I'm always on the hunt for new products that I can use on my locks, ones that will help to sort all my hair nightmares out.

For the last three weeks I've been using this Organix Ever Straight shampoo and I will put it out there right now, I'm still in very two minds as to whether I actually like and enjoy using this shampoo or not - The more that I use it, the more that it seams to grow on me. This is the first thing I have ever tried from the brand Organix and I will be honest and tell you that this was not something that I had spent my own money on. It was my mum who originally bought it and as it turned out that after a couple of uses, she really didn't get along with it, so passed it on to me to try (thanks mum!). So even before trying this shampoo out, I didn't have major high hopes for it - However the more I've used it, the more I like it.

The Organix Ever Straight Brazilian Keratin Therapy Shampoo, is a natural and sulfate free shampoo that's been blended with some key ingredients that you know are just going to do your hair the world of good. The shampoo contains coconut oil which is known to help hair that's dry or damaged and keratin proteins which help to strengthen and soften your hair. It also contains avocado oil as well as cocoa butter which are there to help to smooth hair cuticles for frizz free and straighter looking hair, whilst adding beautiful shine at the same time. As the name suggest's 'EVER STRAIGHT' this shampoo's main purpose is to keep your hair looking frizz free and to help keep your hair straighter for a longer period of time. As my hair dries pretty straight when blow dried, having a shampoo to keep my hair looking straighter for longer doesn't really appeal to me. However, as my hair has not been in the best condition as of late I decided that this looks like it would be a great shampoo for for repairing my hair, strengthening it and making it look a lot healthier. 

The first time that I used this shampoo, I absolutely hated it and if you've ever used this shampoo before you will know exactly what I mean when I say it feels ever so weird in your hair whilst your trying to lather it up in the shower. The shampoo its self is of a really think consistency, and it takes a lot of work to massage into your hair. I like shampoos that really lather up, but sadly this one doesn't cause many soap suds to appear. Once I had thoroughly rinsed it out, it felt like there was a lot of product left in my hair still. My hair also felt so dry and thirsty and I couldn't wait to apply some conditioner to my locks - I found this really surprising seeing as the shampoo contained so many oils that are there to add moisture and soften your hair. When it came to drying and styling my hair, again I felt really displeased with the way that my hair looked and felt. Seeing as I had just cleaned my hair, it felt really dirty still as though a lot of product was still clinging to my hair. Although my hair looked a lot straighter and a bit less frizzy, I had to pin my hair right up as it just felt yuck.

However I decided to give this Organix shampoo another go just because I really wanted it to be as good as it sounds and to my delight I found it a lot better to use the second time around. I have to say that I still had the exact same experience when actually washing my hair with it, as I felt that it just wasn't cleaning my hair in the way that I wanted it too. But I managed to get past this and on the second time around I noticed a much better difference when it came to styling my hair. As soon as my hair felt a little dryer, I could see that it looked a whole lot heather, full of shine and it felt really smooth to the touch - Not to mention that my hair dried pretty straight and I only needed a quick once over with the straighteners to achieve the hairstyle I was going for that day. Again my hair felt as though it was full of product, even though I hadn't used any products in my hair since washing it. Throughout the day though, I noticed that this feeling of having product in my hair actually didn't feel as bad as it did the first time and I actually quite liked the way that it seamed to thicken my hair up. In terms of thickness, my hair is somewhere in the middle, but not quite as thick as I would like it. However using this second time around my hair felt a lot thicker, which included the tips of my hair. Anyone else with long hair will know how quick the ends of your hair can thin out due to split ends and general damage - So it was great having the ends of my hair not feel as flimsy.

Seeing as my second attempt at using this shampoo was no way near as bad as the first, I decided that it was worth keeping hold of and since then I've gone on to use it a couple more times. Again each time I use it, I seam to have this love hate relationship with it. I have to say overall my hair does feel as though it's in better condition since using this shampoo, but there's something about it that just doesn't site quite right with me and I can't put my finger on it. As I tend to wash my hair every other day, I find that when I use this, my second day hair is a lot less frizzy - However it does feel a little greasier, even with the help of dry shampoo and as a result, will always shove my hair in some sort of updo. I usually do this on second day hair anyway, so it's something that I can easily look past. 

Every time I use this, I do tend to like it just that little bit more, but I don't know if I would go as far to say I would re-purchase this once it's run out - I don't know if it's that good. One thing that this shampoo does have a lot going for it is it's gorgeous smell, think coconuts and summer holidays. Having said this, I find that it doesn't really transfer on to your hair, which is a real shame. I really think that this shampoo is worth trying out if your looking to give your hair some nourishment and to help strengthen it as any shampoo that contains keratin is going to be amazing for this. I think it would also be worth trying if your someone who has wavy or curly hair and are looking to tame your locks a little, especially if you like to straighten your curls out. Like I said my hair dries pretty much on the straight side anyway, but when I use this I barely have to touch the straighteners as there is a lot less frizz. Blow the pictures show what my hair looks like when wet and after zapping it with the hairdryer once I've used the Organix Ever Straight shampoo. As you can see there is hardly any frizz and my hair looks pretty straight - especially in the picture that shows my hair dry, nothing has been used to style it like this.

You can buy the Organix Ever Straight Brazilian Keratin Therapy Shampoo from Boots, which will cost you £6.99, they also have a conditioner and a few other hair products in this 'EVER STRAIGHT' range. If you've tried this I would love to know your thoughts and see if you've experienced the same sort issues as I have with this shampoo. 

Lots of Love

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