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Fresh Sugar Honey and Passion Lip Treatment - Review and Swatches

I have been meaning to do this post for ages! I don't know what I was waiting for. So I road tested two more of the Fresh Sugar Lip Treatments. I got these minis along with the Sugar Plum one (which I already reviewed donkeys ago) near Christmas time from a mini set I got at Sephora. On the left we have Passion and on the right is Honey. Passion is a flaming red, although it looks kind of rosey in the swatch. For me, this colour is a bit too wild and I normally like a little wild in my life. It's what I like to call "hot tamale" red. I think this colour would look better on someone with a tan and possibly a redhead with the right honey colouring could seriously rock this colour. This lip product smells like a million bucks, as do the others, but the Plum one still smells the best to me. They all smell a little different.

On the right we have Honey. It's a nude. It's a nice nude but the colour nude never gets me excited so if you are looking for rave reviews on anything nude coloured, I am not the one to help you. I think the red one, Passion, would also look good if you have been wearing bright red lipstick all day and then you wanted to perk up what colour is left on your lips at the end of the day. The nude too would be good if you had been wearing a nude lipstick all day and then wanted a moisturizing break. I keep thinking these would look great and last longer with a lip liner, but I haven't tried that yet. I will have to get back to you on that one. A full sized tube is $26 Cdn. (whoa is right) but these really are neat and are a hybrid lipstick/balm and gloss. They are $22.50 in the U.S. Personally, Passion and Honey are nice, but I don't think at $26 I will be purchasing them again. The Plum colour (flavour? lol) I will be buying again for sure! I have two other colours from the Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment line to try so those will follow soonish.

I have a ton of stuff coming up - palettes and new purchases and MAC oh my! So stay tuned.

Rating: 7/10

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