1. What is your dream career?
My dream career is a makeup artist
2. What is your favourite film?
I don't really have a favourite film, it gravitates between films throughout the year but my favourite films will forever be Disney films. I can't just pick one.
3. Who is your celeb crush?
Ha! I don't have one!
4. Something you are looking forward to?
I am looking forward to half term, a week of lay-ins and late nights.
5. Do you have any pets and if so what are they?
I have quite a few pets. Twinkle, my cat, has been with me since she was a kitten and she is about 11 or 12 right now so she's very old, but literally my favourite thing. I have a Dalmatian, Jack, who is so adorable and he is about 5 now. I have loads of fish and up until recently I even had horses.
6. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Definitely a night owl. I hate mornings.
7. What is your favourite time of the year?
Autumn/Winter. I love everything about this time, the photography, candles, the cute jumpers, Halloween, fireworks, Christmas... Everything!
8. What is something you are proud of?
My blog. I have been so proud of my blog over the last few months, this time has been a highlight in my experience of blogging and I am just so proud of everything.
9. What is your favourite social media site?
Twitter. Or Facebook. Or bloglovin... Twitter is probably my favourite.
10. What is/was your favourite school subject?
I used to love art in school until I looked back and realised all my work was rubbish. I didn't really lie, any subjects that I did in school and I don't have a favourite in sixth form.
11. How long have you been blogging?
Since February 2012, so just over 2 and a half years and every second has been the best!
So my questions are:
1. What inspired you to become a blogger?
2. What three things would you take to a desert island?
3. What is one product you cannot live without?
4. Your favourite season and why?
5. What is your favourite thing about your blog?
6. Who is your biggest inspiration?
7. If you could visit one place anywhere in the world where you haven't been before, where would it be?
8. Sweet or savoury food?
9. What is your favourite colour?
10. Jeans or skirt?
11. If you had the opportunity to meet one famous person, dead or alive, who would it be?
My nominations are:
1. Taylor at Taylorscollectionn
2. Nia at niaelinormair
3. Lynda at littlepieceoflynda
4. Velvert ghost at djellzax
5. Betty at Confidentbetty
6. Leigh at hellomynameisleigh
7. Jess at jesstastics
8. Beth at TheBritishGirl
9. Em at sunbran
10. Katherine at crimsonblush
11. Poppy at misseverydayelegance
Sorry if you have already done this! If you have been nominated but don't want to do it, of course you don't have to. Likewise if you have been nominated and have already done this then you don't have to, but you can if you want! I've done it twice since I have been given different questions!
Sorry if you have already done this! If you have been nominated but don't want to do it, of course you don't have to. Likewise if you have been nominated and have already done this then you don't have to, but you can if you want! I've done it twice since I have been given different questions!
SparkleEyes x
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