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Strolling Down the Woods

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Having too many files in your computer means that you may have 'hidden gems' aka forgotten files on it. 
Last night, while I was cleaning up and rearranging files and folders, I stumbled across a folder labeled, "JPEG". When I opened it, I was gobsmacked to see these wonderful photos! I completely forgot about the photo shoot I did a few months ago with my friend, Johanna Serrano. So I spent an hour glorifying the most vibrant photos I ever had! I'm not being narcissistic. Hahaha!  It just so happens that I'm appreciating my friend's photography skills! 
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The photos look like I'm in a forest or something but really, I was just a few meters away from the school's parking lot.
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| Top: Thrifted | Skirt: Bangkok | Necklace: The Bling Project | Heels: The Ramp |

My dear friend, Johanna, has a photography business so if you want to hire someone who takes good pictures make sure to hire her!

You reach her through her Photonoia Facebook page. Click, click!


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