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Valentine´s Day Makeup

Fringe is almost half natural-half orange by now!
Boris has suggested to do something romantic on Valentine´s Day, and so we went to see The Imitation Game starring one of our favorite actors, Benebatch Cumberdict. The movie was beautiful and very touching, talk about homophobia preventing the recognition of war heroes! I recommend you all to see it! 

I have been working all week and wanted to treat myself to some dramatic eye makeup. I did a black smokey eye with the smokey part being purple. 
Lipstick is my Careline P37 mixed with (and in the photo already slightly faded) black lipstick.

As the best second hand dress one could ever find is not captured in the pictures (Boris was tired and couldn´t give a fuck about my hallway outfit pictures, so I cut him some slack), I have decided to show you other random parts of my outfit instead, like earrings and necklaces:

Wearing a tattoo choker. Very missed having those, and was happy to see it yesterday in the mail. The key necklace is made by me. Also my usual safety pin ears with pendulum earrings from H&M.

Concerning not posting for a very long time, it is because I have been busy with the least pleasant mundane activities: working my first week on a new job (yay!) and having feet problems and doing orthopedic checks all week (nay. They even gave me an MRI test just like in those medical TV series, boy was that so loud it felt like being in a speedcore gig). 
I have an inflammation in my left knee, and another inflammation on my right ankle (Achilles thing?). I literally couldn´t walk last weekend and was having terrible pain. In both my fucking legs. It was very saddening, as I´ve never had problems with my feet before. Luckily the pain is now gone and physiotherapy awaits me. 

New job has been hard to learn but fun to do. I am now a hostel receptionist and it´s really nice, nothing like I´ve ever done before so I am happy to work since the semester is over by now.

I still felt fabulously sexy after slipping into house clothes, and couldn´t resist taking another selfie. You can see the makeup here better too.

N. Finsternis

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