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Career Transitions for Dancers: What is new and innovative in dance today?

On June 29th, I will be speaking with Dance Channel TV on a terrific panel about "What is new and innovative in dance today?" hosted by Career Transitions for Dancers.  The event is FREE and it should be a fantastic night about the emergence of technology and the arts.  All of the pertinent information is below.  I hope to see you there!
Career Conversations: In Los Angeles
To reserve a place in one of the following workshops in Los Angeles, call us at 323 549 6660 or email careerconversations-la@careertransition.org.

Jun 297:00 - 9:00pmDancer's Roundtable: What is new and innovative in dance today?
Learn about some of the newest and most innovative opportunities in Dance around the Globe today. Don't miss the chance to know what's going on! Panel: Julie McDonald, Founder/Agent, McDonald/Selznick Associates (MSA); Carrie Burbank & Sean Glen, Founders/Designers, ChoreoPro.com; Jim Keith, Manager, The Movement / A Dance Management Company; Arsen Serobian, Founder/Creator, Dance Channel TV; David Strobbe, Home4Dance. Facilitator: Joanne DiVito, CTFD Administrator.
Event locations: Where we meet
Career Transition For Dancers
5757 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 400 (The Actors' Fund)
Los Angeles, CA 90036

T323 549 6660
F323 549 6810

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