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Between Tiger and the other

For me traveling is a delicacies in life where one thing for sure it is a privilege to be able to see different kind of culture and people. Indeed, like food some people have different taste so it's not for everyone. But back to me and me only, I love traveling and very grateful to be able to do so.

Nowadays traveling just getting easy and cheaper by the day, ups sorry by 6 months ahead. Yup it's a well known secret using budget airline and getting a steal deal means planning ahead, way ahead sometime.

So far I fly with Tiger, Jet/Valuair, and Airasia. Destination from Bangkok, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur and (not) beyond... as long it is still in South East Asia Region, why? with those stiff chair more than 3 and a half hour is a torture with capital T.

Okay, here's the ugly part, for me the first flight that get my star is Tiger Air, it's more comfortable and the price in urgent time in need is more valuable (as in CHEAPO) than the others, but Jet/Valueair also being competitive almost same price and get free a glass of water and a snack (like muffin/bread). So yup, for me AirAsia holding the lowest score, why?

1. On a 40 minute flight to KL I killed 2 flies with the safety manual, they seriously bothering me.
2. On a flight back to Singapore I killed another 2 flies inside the cabin.
3. No snack or drinks free on board and we are not allowed to eat our picnic basket meal.
4. Tiger and Jet/Valueair stewardess is prettier heehee.


if I happen to know what destination and date of preference I wanna go in the next 6-12 months, they price often unbeatable. Keep improving AirAsia!

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