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Shiro Cosmetics: The Hobbit Collection

Ok you guys, Shiro Cosmetics is something I've been meaning to check out for a while but when I say I went in... I went IN! Like... so excite to own all these beauties and play with them! This is the Hobbit collection, kind of self-explanatory here. For me personally, one of the most exciting.
AvailabilityShiro is no longer in business.
Would I buy this again? I can't say for sure yet.
NotesNotes will accompany each shade respectively. Please note that while I grouped these by collection I didn't purchase each shade from every collection because that's crazy excessive.
War of Five Armies - is described as a near-matte, red-brown blood spilled on earth. Well that's rather morbid and the fact that it looks like dried up blood in the packet makes it questionable... This is a very deep reddish brown with just a hint of red-copper sparkle through it. 
Lingered in Twilight - is described as blackened blue and green tones with slightly metallic shimmer. This has the absolute illest shift to it. The base is black but it has this green shift full of teal, forest green, and gold micro-shimmer. I LOVE IT!
The Wandering Wizard - is is described as a pale, matte, blue-toned grey. This is a very grayed light blue with a strong soft grey shift. Really soft and pretty. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

DisclaimerI paid for these myself.

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