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Hungary only country trying to stop German migration encouragmet madness

Andy Cruz
   The Migration invasion of Europe continues as migrants got through a Hungarian police blockade and proceeded to go through a highway and headed into Germany. German Chancellor Angela Merkle has brought this situation onto Germany for their lax attitude and promotion of more migrants from war torn Middle East countries sure to bring the same instability to their new European countries that they have brought onto Europe. While many migrant excusers will say America and the west lay to blame for selling weapons to these countries with civil wars the proof is that these people would be slaying one another if they were only armed with scimitars and the only cause of their slaughter is the Arab and Muslim mindset not being able to coexist with anyone or anything outside of their tribal groups. coexist is just not a term that exists in the Muslim mindset and is only an invention of European liberals that they promote on t shirts and so forth. European colonialism was a blessing for these people as it put an interruption of their eternal warfare which explains their recent desires to escape their lot and get into Europe as these people know they belong to a group of evil corrupt warlords whose only motivation is a mindset of sixth century religious indoctrination that forces women to cover up their hair all day in the hot sun.
  The first thing the Austrians and Germans need to do is overthrow their leaders which is encouraging these migration invasion of people with Islamic principles into Europe. These people should be forced to convert if they want to be allowed the luxury of moving into Europe and forced to assimilate otherwise be thrown out like Spain did to its inadaptable Islamic population that was n nothing but trouble. Hungarians are not neo-liberal Americans eager to profit from cheap human migratory labor for construction and landscaping projects. these are a European peoples who fought hard for a defined borders that these globalist migration promoting bastards want to erase as a bothersome obtrusion to their desire to move around chattel labor. Hungarians are just the first who will resist the desires of Angela Merkel to demographically change Europe into  new global diverse order. the construction of a wall is the first step to stop this human tide and migration much as Israel as done and America will have to learn to end this continental labor abuse from lower-skilled people willing to leave behind a mess that they cannot cope because they are of an unintelligent species. These are people who couldn't develop necessary change in their own countries and seek to reshape and colonize other parts of the world never learning the new culture and changing to the tunes of it. Why some European leaders such as German chancellor Angela Merkel would push for this is complete madness and leaders like her are the problem Europe faces as much as this invasion from the Middle east and Africa

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