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Detroit Tigers changing their D on their uniform freaking pout fans but eventually corporate take over and Tony the Tiger will find their way on all sports uniforms

Peter Patel
   The Detroit Tigers are tweeking their uniforms and looks and it has the devoted,demented  and dangerous baseball fans of this incredible Midwestern powerhouse angrier than a cockless rooster. The tigers are merely lightening the famous D on their baseball uniforms and likely are eventually going to make further changes as more Indian investors and hedge fund managers get access to decision making process of the look and feel of the Detroit Tigers. More on this later though but lets focus on the anger coming form the Tiger nation as minor looks are applied for now on the Detroit Tigers uniforms. Long time Tiger fans are freaking out on these changes and many have written letters,sent emails, and vented their displeasure through social media as the prospect of these changes.
Many fans went immediately on social media as news broke of the altering of the tigers uniform and were upset that any change would occur to the beloved home uniforms after fifty five years of being untouched. However, times are changing my friends and eventually more global money form India and the middle East will get poured into the tigers organization where the love of tiger and animal form been a large part of folklore and love.
Eventually a Tony the tiger cartoon character will eventually find its way and it would only be fitting given Detroit's large Arab population and changes needed to the Tigers looks to appease more people and perk interest. Times are changing and Tiger fans will have to adapt to a day a cartoon character of a tiger appears on the uniform and the old English letter is put away and retired and again it will be Indian investors and owners that will be producing this change on the Detroit Tigers and change is needed at times for things whether it be business or sport. I mean you have a team name of the tigers but show nothing illustrating this glorious beast of a species and have a letter as logo? really. The Tigers were long overdue for immediate baseball uniform change and this minor tweek is not enough and like I said it will be the corporate world that brings out the tiger in the Detroit Tigers and all baseball uniforms in general.

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