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Good Deed Tale for Easter

In this time of rebirth and celebrating, I thought I would share a good deed that came to the friend I was with in NY for the weekend.

She had bought an Annick Goutal fragrance at Saks, and had then taken her several bags outside, to stand and wait for me to finish looking. She then decided to go back into the store to look around again. She then discovered that she had left the Saks bag with the Goutal in it outside on the sidewalk in front of the store. Needless to say she was frantic, as she put it. The bag was not outside . She returned to the Goutal counter to find that someone had found the bag and returned it to the counter in the hopes it would find it's owner. The SA at Goutal said the woman's daughter was especially insistent that it go back to the right place. Thankfully my friend went back, and she was able to get her 95.00 fragrance back. ( and the SA gifted the girl and her mom with many samples as a thanks)

I want to send a big Thank You to this person . Not only did she do a really good thing, but she raised a child who also wants to do a good thing.

It would have been so easy for anyone to take the bag. Literally hundereds of people walked by.

Good deeds still exist, I think we are happy to note.

Have a wonderful holiday.
photo St. Patricks Cathedral, NYC by the beauty alchemist

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